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Hieronder vindt u nieuwsberichten, gevonden op het internet met betrekking tot het woord clown.

Vendredi, à Douvrin, dans le Pas-de-Calais, un jeune homme de 19 ans déguisé en clown avait été interpellé. Il était sorti de chez lui vers 22 heures, portant une perruque, un costume coloré et le visage maquillé. Après avoir effrayé un petit voisin ...

Datum: | Bron: Le Nouvel Observateur

No one is laughing at the horrific clowns on American Horror Story: Freak Show, but one particular group is downright offended by them. Clowns of America International, came out last week to complain that the FX series' newest character, Twisty, ...

Datum: | Bron: Comicbook.com

Your worst nightmare may have just come true. People dressed in clown costumes are showing up at night in California, Florida and New Mexico. It started in Bakersfield, Calif., when social media accounts by the name of Wasco Clown started posting ...

Datum: | Bron: USA TODAY

A small town in Northern France was left in panic after several people were attacked by clown, or clowns unknown. In one of the attacks a student was threatened with a knife. Police have reportedly arrested a man suspected of aggravated violence. The ...

Datum: | Bron: RT

Le plaisantin, âgé de 19 ans, s'amusait depuis quelque temps à poursuivre des enfants ou adolescents grimé en clown, une arme blanche à la main selon les témoins. Vendredi soir, alerté par un groupe d'adolescents pris pour cible, le gérant d'une ...

Datum: | Bron: Libération

FAIT DIVERS – Un homme de 19 ans a été interpellé, vendredi soir, à l'issue d'une course-poursuite avec un gérant de friterie à Douvrin dans le Pas-de-Calais. Le jeune homme était déguisé en clown et s'amusait à effrayer des jeunes alors qu'une ...

Datum: | Bron: metronews

INSOLITE - Des clowns inquiétants sont signalés, depuis lundi, aux abords d'établissements scolaires de la région de Douai (Nord). Si trois plaintes ont été déposées, la police n'a pas réussi à tomber sur un flagrant délit. Les rumeurs et la psychose ...

Datum: | Bron: metronews

Three people have reported being attacked by the clown in the suburbs of Douai in northern France, near the Belgian border, reports The Local. On Monday, a girl in Sin-le-Noble told police that she had been chased by an armed person in a clown costume.

Datum: | Bron: International Business Times UK

Indeed, the term for clown fear, coulrophobia, was coined in the '80s by the generation that grew up with sometimes distant parents and The Howdy Doody Show's Clarabell as a regular plug-in companion. “If somebody has a real fear of clowns it has to do ...

Datum: | Bron: Daily Beast

Ils voient des clowns malveillants partout. Qui? Des petits écoliers et collégiens de Douai et de Lambres-lez-Douai. Les parcs, non plus, ne seraient pas épargnés par cette déferlante selon d'autres témoins. Alors, le Douaisis est-il hanté par un gang ...

Datum: | Bron: Le Figaro

A man dressed as a creepy clown has been unsettling residents of an American suburb as he wanders the streets scaring people. The eerie figure has been spotted in Fishers, Indianapolis, and police say that locals should call them if they see someone ...

Datum: | Bron: Daily Mail

And here we thought they were all nice, balloon-bending lovers of fun… Apparently the clown populace does have a dark side, and police in Kern County have had just about their fill of clowns. In a recent news story we reported that there have been ...

Datum: | Bron: Dread Central

Plusieurs clowns sèment actuellement la terreur à quelques kilomètres de la frontière belge, du côté de Douai, en France. Deux plaintes ont été déposées concernant des adolescentes poursuivies par un clown. L'une affirme qu'il était armé, l'autre ...

Datum: | Bron: Sudinfo.be

Season 4 of “American Horror Story” features a character called Twisty the Clown (John Carrol Lynch), who (in only two episodes) has already killed five people and kidnapped two more. The aesthetic of the clown is equally notable, with his smeared ...

Datum: | Bron: International Business Times

Was u als kind ook bang voor clowns? Misschien huivert u nu nog steeds stiekem wanneer u er een ziet. Dan bent u niet alleen: al eeuwen hebben mensen schrik voor clowns. Er bestaat zelfs een woord voor: coulrofobie, en psychologen wijdden al heel wat ...

Datum: | Bron: De Morgen

HILVERSUM – Als je het jaren geleden met de jeugd van toen over het circus had, dan noemden ze meestal Pipo de clown. Uiteraard was Pipo in werkelijkheid acteur Cor Witschge met veel succes op de televisie. En geen rondreizend circus, maar toch is hij ...

Datum: | Bron: Blog.nl (Blog)

“American Horror Story: Freak Show” continued on FX on Oct. 15, telling the tale of Elsa Mars (Jessica Lange) and her band of freaks. However the true star of the mini-series is Twisty the Clown (John Carroll Lynch). In episode 1 the half-masked killer ...

Datum: | Bron: International Business Times

The biggest clown club in America has a bone to pick with Ryan Murphy. And it's not about how Glee went seriously downhill after season one. (What? It's true. Jesse St. James forever and all that.) Clowns of America International is quite perturbed ...

Datum: | Bron: E! Online

The clowns have appeared over the past few weeks, often at night. Sometimes people saw the clowns, staring at them silently from a street corner or darkened parking lot. Often, however, the clowns were photographed in front of various city landmarks ...

Datum: | Bron: Discovery News

The person who created the page to follow and report sightings said he or she was contacted by the clown, who said his name is Bobo. Bobo explained that he was simply posing for his wife for a year-long photography project and that they never expected ...

Datum: | Bron: U-T San Diego

When I put that clown costume on it possessed me.. I'm deeply ashamed this morning.' He again made it clear he had not been drinking of the night before, saying 'the only thing I was intoxicated by was the clown. 'It was an homage to my childhood clown.

Datum: | Bron: Daily Mail

Zij zeggen: 'laat de wilde dieren achterwegen en neem er andere acts voor in de plaats die ook spectaculair zijn', dus dan doen we dat”, vertelde directeur en clown Milko Steyvers dinsdag in Haagse Ochtendradio op Den Haag FM. Hoewel “roofdieren in het ...

Datum: | Bron: Den Haag FM

Residents of Wasco, Calif. are spooked after seeing an eerie, terrifying clown roaming the streets in the middle of the night. According to local news station KFOR, the clown is often seen standing on a street corner or in the middle of street holding ...

Datum: | Bron: Headlines & Global News

Residents from Wasco, California have been calling police over creepy clown sightings since early October. [ Photos: This Is What AHS: Freak Show's Monsters Look Like IRL! ] Those daring enough to spot the mysterious figure have claimed to see someone ...

Datum: | Bron: PerezHilton.com

On Friday, Bakersfield police had received 16 reports of clowns wielding weapons as of midday, Fox News reported. Last week, a 14-year-old boy had dressed up as a clown to scare younger children. One child "was clearly scared as a result of being ...

Datum: | Bron: Yahoo News
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