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Ondanks het gure weer woonden duizenden Utrechtse kinderen op zaterdag 20 november 1965 de intocht van Sint Nicolaas bij. Barend de Beer was erbij, Pipo de Clown en zelfs de Hillbillies, zo meldt het Utrechtsch Nieuwsblad op 22 november.

Datum: | Bron: DeStadUtrecht.nl

The Australian hunk took on the jive at the ballroom this week, but the outspoken columnist hit out and called him a "clown" after he was criticised by the judging panel for his routine. Referring to is outfit - which included checked pants and a pair ...

Datum: | Bron: Mirror.co.uk

ELKHART, Ind. — A 12-year-old murder suspect said a fictional clown from a website told her to kill her stepmother, according to court documents made public Wednesday. CBS affiliate WSBT reports that the documents also reveal that the girl's fate ...

Datum: | Bron: wreg.com

De presentatie van Handboek voor den Clown en het afscheid van De Reiziger vinden plaats op zondag 29 november, om 14.30 uur in theater De Ruchte in Someren. Met optredens van o.a. Toon Maas, Compagnie Kloon en Danie Jordens. Entree: €5.

Datum: | Bron: Eindhovens Dagblad

"Nanu, was hat denn dieser Clown auf der Demo der AfD verloren?" "Wieso ein Clown, das sind doch ganz viele?" So könnte man das zusammenfassen, was Ralf Kabelka bei seinem jüngsten Einsatz als Außenreporter für die "heute-show" erlebt hat.

Datum: | Bron: DIE WELT

(YouTube/MrCreepyPasta). A 12-year-old girl accused of killing her stepmother and setting fire to her family's apartment allegedly said a fictitious clown told her to do it. The Elhart, Indiana girl allegedly set the fire and then stabbed her 50-year ...

Datum: | Bron: Inside Edition

CHICAGO (CBS) — A 12-year-old girl has told authorities that a fictional clown named “Laughing Jack” told her to kill her stepmother in July. Court documents released this week in the case also show that the Elkhart, Ind., girl, who suffers from ...

Datum: | Bron: CBS Local

La star de "Intouchables" incarne dans ce biopic Rafaël Padilla, le clown Chocolat, né à Cuba en 1860. Son histoire est méconnue et pourtant, il a été le tout premier artiste noir de la scène française. Il a notamment créé avec le clown Footit le ...

Datum: | Bron: RTBF

The life of clown Chip Baskets (Galifianakis), however, is not actually filled with crystal noses. He's down on his luck, dreaming of being a French clown but struggling to be seen as a success. The show, which counts Louis C.K. among its executive ...

Datum: | Bron: Mashable

A 12-year-old girl reportedly tells police that a fictional clown told her to kill her stepmom. Published at 5:36 pm ET, Wed Nov 18 2015. Just Watched. replay. ELKHART, Ind. — A 12-year-old girl in Indiana is blaming an online clown for the murder she ...

Datum: | Bron: WGN-TV

Adapté du livre de l'historien Gérard Noiriel et écrit par Cyril Gely, Chocolat est mis en scène par l'acteur-réalisateur Roschdy Zem, dont c'est le quatrième long métrage. De son véritable nom Rafaël Padilla, le clown Chocolat, a été le premier ...

Datum: | Bron: AlloCiné

The future of autonomous driving will bear no resemblance to Google's robot cars tooling around Northern California like so many Jetsons' rejects — at least if Volvo has anything to say about it. The Swedish automaker Wednesday unveiled a luxurious ...

Datum: | Bron: Re/code

Suspects reportedly wore clown masks during a robbery early Wednesday morning at a restaurant in northwest Harris County. The robbery happened about 4 a.m. at the business on Highway 249 near Spring Cypress, according to the Harris County Sheriff's ...

Datum: | Bron: Chron.com

This is the Insane Clown Posse — a hip-hop duo made up of rappers Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope, who dress up as evil clowns and talk about chopping up whores and how gosh darn great God's wonders are with equal zeal. They have a substantial, ...

Datum: | Bron: Mic

Not one of them can win, but one must. That's the paradox of the race for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, fast becoming the signature event in the history of black comedy. Conventional wisdom says that with the primaries and caucuses ...

Datum: | Bron: RollingStone.com

Only those with nerves of steel should check into this clown-themed motel in the middle of the Nevada Desert. Looking like a set from a classic horror film, the creepy Tonopah accommodation is crawling with clowns of all sizes from life-sized models ...

Datum: | Bron: Daily Mail

During Saturday's Democratic debate, former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley called Donald Trump an “immigrant-bashing carnival barker.” “Let's say it in our debate because you'll never hear this from that immigrant-bashing carnival barker Donald Trump,” ...

Datum: | Bron: Yahoo Politics

St Nicholas, or Santa Claus, made his traditional entrance into the Netherlands on 14 November, arriving on a barge in northern port of Meppel to be greeted by cheering children as he threw sweets and kicked off the Christmas season. His traditional ...

Datum: | Bron: The Independent

It was only last year that the 42-year-old Biju Nair, one of the clowns of Rambo Circus, told his children what he did for a living. He was scared that his children could be ashamed to have a “clown” for a father. Seeti, as Nair is known on stage, is ...

Datum: | Bron: The Indian Express

De politiezone Kempenland heeft gistermiddag het verhaal genoteerd van de man die de pedofiele clown Dominiek V. uit Grote-Brogel in februari van dit jaar met minderjarige kinderen betrapte in een hotelkamer op de Dominicaanse Republiek. De man ...

Datum: | Bron: Het Laatste Nieuws

De politie greep dit keer wel in en arresteerde de clown. De laatste misbruiken hadden voorkomen kunnen worden als de politie van het Belgische Bree in februari al actie had ondernomen, schrijft Het Laatste Nieuws. "Een paar dagen voordien had ik ...

Datum: | Bron: PowNed

De man betrapte de clown, toen nog zijn beste vriend, in bed met twee kinderen tijdens een vakantie in de Dominicaanse Republiek. "Ik kon mijn ogen niet geloven en had vooral spijt dat ik mijn éigen dochters nooit geloofd had toen ze me jaren geleden ...

Datum: | Bron: Telegraaf.nl

Clown Barry heeft een probleem. Hij is al zo lang werkloos dat zijn uitkering binnenkort wordt stopgezet. Tenzij hij gaat re-integreren, zo laat het UWV weten. Dat zint Barry allerminst, er moeten toch clowns blijven bestaan? Hij wordt gezien als ...

Datum: | Bron: Dagblad de Limburger

Peer Een 60-jarige man uit het Limburgse Peer die bijklust als clown randt al jaren kinderen aan. In februari van dit jaar stapte de vader van twee slachtoffers naar de politie, maar die liet Dominiek V. begaan. En zo kon hij de voorbije maanden nog ...

Datum: | Bron: Het Laatste Nieuws

It may sound like the setup of a freaky book by Stephen King or R.L. Stine, but the Clown Motel is very real. Nestled in the former mining town of Tonopah, Nevada, this not-so-amusing inn caters to bikers, truckers, and other long-haul drivers--but isn ...

Datum: | Bron: Huffington Post
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