Hieronder vindt u nieuwsberichten, gevonden op het internet met betrekking tot het woord clown.
and I know that I am a clown and I had a car full of clowns, but these ladies ran and jumped into the back," said Doo Doo in a phone interview with CBC News. News of the rescue prompted Coun. Norm Kelly to award Doo Doo with a scroll recognizing his ...
Datum: 11-08-2016 18:36 | Bron: CBC.caIn one of the bar rooms at American Airlines Center, a pack of painted characters welcomes visitors to clown alley, where a red carpet leads to a couple of trunks topped with circus gear; there are wigs, shoes and one of those horned Viking helmets.
Datum: 11-08-2016 18:24 | Bron: Dallas ObserverCultuurraad en gemeente presenteren clown Bweno. Vandaag om 10:08 door Saskia Van Gestel. Print Corrigeer. Delen. Tweet. Google+. Mail. Shares. Dessel - De Cultuurraad en de gemeente Dessel organiseren ook dit jaar een kinderactiviteit en dit op ...
Datum: 11-08-2016 15:52 | Bron: Het NieuwsbladGREEN BAY - It didn't take long for photographs of a creepy clown wandering the streets of downtown Green Bay at night to instill fear in residents, inspire conspiracy theories and dominate international news headlines. It turns out, that was the point.
Datum: 11-08-2016 04:42 | Bron: Green Bay Press GazettePolice in Gatineau, Que., are investigating after two teenagers dressed as clowns scared children in a local park. A parent complained after two teens, one of whom was carrying a two-metre-long chain, chased children home from Parc Limbour, in ...
Datum: 10-08-2016 22:30 | Bron: CBC.caOver the past couple of years, a creepy performer known as Wrinkles the Clown has become somewhat of an Internet legend. Paid by parents to stalk and scare their unsuspecting children, Wrinkles has become famous for his disturbing antics in southwest ...
Datum: 10-08-2016 20:30 | Bron: Game RantPolice in Gatineau launched an investigation after two men, one in a clown mask the other in a clown 'suit' and facepaint, wandered through a city park.
Datum: 10-08-2016 20:22 | Bron: Ottawa CitizenOtis Driftwood appears to be taking a leaf out of Captain Spaulding's book, as Bill Moseley will be donning the white makeup to play a killer clown in the ...
Datum: 10-08-2016 15:15 | Bron: Dread CentralAlways in costume and ready to party, Doo Doo the International Clown leaves a trail of tiny balloon animals wherever he goes. It's normal clown stuff. What's more surprising about the Toronto-based entertainer is that he's also a good guy to have ...
Datum: 09-08-2016 19:49 | Bron: CBC.caSome Green Bay residents were on edge after seeing the clown during late night hours. Adam Krause says he's the creator of the clown phenomenon. He said it ...
Datum: 09-08-2016 18:14 | Bron: WTMJ-TV (press release) (registration) (blog)Laurent Depoitre est un joueur tellement connu que lui-même a dû aller sur Google pour connaître son ..., lisez plus sur Canal Sports.
Datum: 09-08-2016 12:16 | Bron: 7sur7A clown that's been wandering the streets of Green Bay, Wisc., in recent days was scaring the bejesus out of people, some of whom called the police.
Datum: 08-08-2016 23:53 | Bron: Kansas City StarSuicide Squad may be an ensemble film full of DC bad guys, but when it comes to infamy, there's one character here that towers above the rest: the Joker, Batman's longtime nemesis and the clown prince of crime. The marketing campaign for Suicide Squad ...
Datum: 08-08-2016 20:43 | Bron: VultureÀ 44 ans, Stéphanie apprend à devenir clown. à l'hôpital. Un «vrai métier» promu depuis 25 ans par l'association le Rire médecin, dont la formation a été ...
Datum: 08-08-2016 15:02 | Bron: Metro Belgique“I auditioned for a role in this short film that was a horror short film about a clown that went around Green Bay,” Guzan told Green Bay's WBAY-TV, adding that “this is the first step of their viral marketing.” He said though he auditioned for a role ...
Datum: 07-08-2016 22:34 | Bron: WISN MilwaukeeHow dare you! Bring your nation down. How very very dare you. You irresponsible clown! Met deze songteksten richt Fay Lovsky zich tot de Republikeinse presidentskandidaat Donald Trump. Ze zong haar protestlied The Candidate afgelopen week voor het ...
Datum: 07-08-2016 11:28 | Bron: NOS"It's getting a little bit scary because people are starting to believe it a little bit more and starting to see some of those unsettling pictures on Facebook - not of the clown - but of people armed and preparing to defend themselves and saying 'I can ...
Datum: 06-08-2016 17:34 | Bron: WLS-TVLiam Brennan gives a tender performance in this funny-sad reworking of the Gogol story, as a lowly Scot buffeted by the forces of globalisation.
Datum: 06-08-2016 12:13 | Bron: The GuardianI am 31 and have tried to refine the clown element to my outfits but there is a sense of humour in the way that I dress. I have a room bursting with clothes. It is like a giant fancy dress box. I call myself an afro punk. My hair has its own ...
Datum: 06-08-2016 10:30 | Bron: The GuardianThe Edinburgh shows we want to see: BoJo the clown and humble Kanye West. It feels as if everyone's a comedian these days, but what if they really were? We asked six comics to imagine shows for some infamous public figures… If you didn't laugh.
Datum: 06-08-2016 10:00 | Bron: The GuardianA group of students, young and old, will show off their new circus tricks during a performance Friday afternoon in Regina. It's part of a workshop at the Creative City Centre led and created by Cirque du Soleil clown, Mooky Cornish, and her partner ...
Datum: 05-08-2016 19:23 | Bron: CBC.caHe's not technically the Joker, and he met with an early demise, but Monaghan is the closest we've come to a Clown Prince of Crime thus far on this Batman prequel series. - Most insane moment: The first time Jerome is revealed to have a bit of Joker in ...
Datum: 05-08-2016 18:03 | Bron: BlastrMeanwhile, someone has started a Facebook fan page for "Gags — The Green Bay Clown." It has several photos of the clown that it says were taken early Tuesday morning. The clown is dressed in a dirty costume and is wearing white face paint or a mask.
Datum: 05-08-2016 15:04 | Bron: Yahoo NewsLes habitants d'une petite ville américaine sont actuellement dérangés par un original, ayant décidé de se balader la nuit, grimé en un clown.
Datum: 05-08-2016 14:04 | Bron: Ubergizmo FR (Blog)Doo Doo the Clown might be best known for his appearances in Billy Madison and Treehouse TV. But the performer went viral late last year when he was driving through downtown Toronto in his Hummer with a few other clowns when he noticed two women ...
Datum: 05-08-2016 00:52 | Bron: Regina Leader-Post