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Hieronder vindt u nieuwsberichten, gevonden op het internet met betrekking tot het woord clown.

De jongen bleek niet alleen. De volgende dag zag een andere bewoner van het appartementsgebouw "een grote clown met blinkende neus" naast enkele vuilnisbakken staan. Toen de clown naar haar wuifde, wuifde ze aarzelend terug. Uit angst liep ze snel ...

Datum: | Bron: Het Laatste Nieuws

A South Carolina community is concerned after multiple reports of clown sightings by the edge of a wooded area. The Greenville County Sheriff's Office questioned residents about the sightings and heard several different stories, according to a report.

Datum: | Bron: TIME

Greenville Country - Mensen die alleen al bij de gedachte aan clowns koude rillingen krijgen kunnen beter uit de buurt van Greenville Country in South Carolina blijven. Daar zijn al meerdere meldingen gedaan van clowns die kinderen de bossen in lokken.

Datum: | Bron: Telegraaf.nl

Het lijkt weer iets beter te gaan met Bas van Toor, beter bekend als clown Bassie. Na een zware tijd krabbelt de acteur, die met een auto-immuunziekte kampt, langzamerhand weer wat op. “Ik ben drie maanden door een hel gegaan. Vannacht heb ik voor het ...

Datum: | Bron: ThePostOnline

De CliniClowns zijn niet elke dag aanwezig op de kinderafdeling van het ziekenhuis en daarom lopen sommige kinderen de clowns mis. Ook speelt mee dat kinderen na een operatie sneller naar huis kunnen, waardoor ze zonder de grappen en grollen van ...

Datum: | Bron: iCulture

“There has been several conversations and complaints to the office regarding a clown or a person dressed in clown clothing talking to children or trying to lure children into the woods,” the letter reads ominously, before detailing that children's ...

Datum: | Bron: Yahoo News

Police are asking for the public's help in tracking down three people who allegedly assaulted officers during a Jerusalem street party during the Purim holiday in March. The problem? Officials have no way of identifying the revelers, as they were ...

Datum: | Bron: The Times of Israel

Police in South Carolina are trying to find the mysterious figure or group of people who allegedly dressed up as clown and tried to lure children into the woods behind an apartment block. Several residents of the Fleetwood Manor complex in Greenville ...

Datum: | Bron: The Independent

Official site of The Week Magazine, offering commentary and analysis of the day's breaking news and current events as well as arts, entertainment, people and ...

Datum: | Bron: The Week Magazine

A South Carolina apartment complex has been told to stay on the lookout after multiple people in the last week or so have reported seeing a strange person dressed as a clown attempting to lure children into the woods. Residents of Fleetwood Manor ...

Datum: | Bron: UPROXX

“I'll tell you one way that fairs have changed,” says Fernandez the Hypnotist, who puts on a show at this year's Capital Fair at the Rideau Carleton Raceway from which, he claims, even the most hardened skeptics walk away shaking their heads in disbelief.

Datum: | Bron: Ottawa Sun

Oliver Leggatt was sacked from a job at the chain and planned a series of raids in which he wore a clown mask, a scarf and a cloth across his face.

Datum: | Bron: Mirror.co.uk

There has [sic] been several conversation [sic] and a lot of complaints to the office regarding a clown or a person dressed in clown clothing taking children or trying to lure children in the woods. First and foremost at Fleetwood Manor Apartments ...

Datum: | Bron: myfox8.com

Following directly on the heels of ultra-right-wing (“Alt Right”) former executive chair of Breitbart News, Steven Bannon, joining the Donald Trump campaign team ...

Datum: | Bron: The Good Men Project

Twee echt verkleed als clown. De anderen meer in jasje-dasje. We richten ons vooral op de kinderen. We zingen, doen dansjes. Het is wat improviseren. We hebben wat dingetjes ingestudeerd. We maken er een vrolijk feestje van.'' De zon schijnt volop ...

Datum: | Bron: Dagblad van het Noorden

“I'll tell you one way that fairs have changed,” says Fernandez, who performs at least double-duty at this year's Capital Fair at the Rideau Carleton Raceway. Throughout the day and evening, he operates a booth – Imposters – that sells sunglasses and ...

Datum: | Bron: Ottawa Citizen

Prank video zijn natuurlijk best wel heel erg begin 2015, maar soms zitten er nog wel juweeltjes tussen. Zo weten we uit ervaring dat je de mensen achter DM Pranks wel om een boodschap kan sturen. Vooral hun scary clowns doen het altijd er goed en dat ...

Datum: | Bron: VK Magazine (Blog) (satire)

CLEVELAND, Ohio – The first thing you need to know about Christopher Johnston's world premiere play "Selfies at the Clown Motel," opening Friday at the Liminis Theater, is that the place that inspired its irresistible title is real. Located in Tonopah ...

Datum: | Bron: cleveland.com

Video shows the entertainer launch into the hateful diatribe as members of the crowd can be heard laughing nervously.

Datum: | Bron: Mirror.co.uk

He shouldn't have clowned around with gender identity.

Datum: | Bron: New York Daily News

The Eli Roth-produced, John Watts-directed body horror flick Clown is now on Blu-ray, DVD and VOD and it's more than worth a look. The film is a solid, emotional and just plain odd bit of high-concept genre-bending with more than a few deranged twists.

Datum: | Bron: ComingSoon.net

Warner Bros recently revealed what Stephen King's supernatural demonic clown will look like in the upcoming remake of "It." Pennywise the Dancing Clown, known more for murdering children than dancing, will be played by Swedish actor Bill Skarsgård in ...

Datum: | Bron: Chron.com

Sheraldo Becker maakt dan tóch eindelijk de overstap van Ajax naar ADO Den Haag. De transfer werd zondag door zijn nieuwe club bevestigd. Trainer 'Jan Pipo de Clown' Zeljko Petrovic heeft hem overgehaald, vertelde hij. "Eindelijk ben ik er", glimlachte ...

Datum: | Bron: Voetbal Centraal

Vlaardingen – Even geen luidkeels 'Hallo vriendjes en vriendinnetjes' uit de mond van clown Bassie in de bij zijn optredens overvolle Nederlandse theaters.

Datum: | Bron: Groot Vlaardingen (persbericht) (Blog)

Pennywise the Clown from Stephen King's "It" movie reboot is back and ready to keep us awake at night. The full image of the creature that takes the form of a clown from King's 1986 horror novel and the 1990 TV miniseries it spawned has been released ...

Datum: | Bron: International Business Times
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