Hieronder vindt u nieuwsberichten, gevonden op het internet met betrekking tot het woord clown.
Irma Boutwell, aka Sunshine the Clown, meets with children during an appearance. Boutwell has entertained children and families in coastal Alabama for 22 years as Sunshine the Clown and she's concerned about the recent outbreak of fear associated with ...
Datum: 17-09-2016 15:10 | Bron: AL.comThe masked terrors have been dressing up in clown costumes as they stand beneath streetlights and ask children to come with them into the woods in Macon, Georgia, in the United States. Following the sightings over the past two weeks, concerned parents ...
Datum: 17-09-2016 12:03 | Bron: Express.co.ukGeorgia officials busted two teens for menacingly masquerading around town in a clown mask, spooking locals as several southern states deal with a rash of ...
Datum: 16-09-2016 19:22 | Bron: New York Daily NewsAccording to a report in the Red & Black newspaper, the five people dressed as clowns and wearing masks set upon a group of 7- to 10-year-old kids as they came out of the East Athens Community Center. The kids “fled in terror” to their respective homes ...
Datum: 16-09-2016 17:16 | Bron: Heat StreetSightings of creepy clowns trying to lure children away are spreading across the US, with no-one sure whether the whole thing is a hoax or a terrifying new trend in abductions. Four states have now reported the sinister sightings. They began in South ...
Datum: 16-09-2016 16:24 | Bron: The IndependentTwo southern Alabama schools were put on lockdown Friday because of threatening Facebook messages and emojis posted on the now-deleted page of a ...
Datum: 16-09-2016 15:12 | Bron: TIMEOver the last few months, clowns have been popping up across the South, terrorizing the American public, who just want to go to bed without having this nightmare fuel pumped into their heads. But some people may be jealous (who knows?) they are not ...
Datum: 16-09-2016 00:55 | Bron: UPROXXThe so-called "Flomo Klowns" posed potential threats to the two high schools in Escambia County, Alabama.
Datum: 15-09-2016 18:38 | Bron: International Business TimesGeorgia police arrested two people Wednesday for calling 911 and allegedly making false claims about clowns trying to lure children into a van. Brandon Moody, 26, and Rebecca Moody, 27, were arrested and sent to Troup County Jail for obstruction and ...
Datum: 15-09-2016 18:07 | Bron: USA TODAYAN epidemic of creepy clowns attempting to abduct children is sweeping across the southern USA. Sightings of men in clown costumes trying to tempt kids into the woods or standing in a sinister manner beneath streetlights have been reported across four ...
Datum: 15-09-2016 14:58 | Bron: The SunIn het meest recente voorval waren twee jongetjes op de schoolbus aan het wachten, toen zij door een clown werden opgeschrikt. "We zagen een man helemaal gekleed in het zwart met een clownsmasker op en een rode pruik. Toen renden en schreeuwden ...
Datum: 15-09-2016 10:14 | Bron: RTL NieuwsKnock it off, horror movies and other macabre pop-culture media! You're ruining the image clowns have strived for so long to keep clean.
Datum: 15-09-2016 06:28 | Bron: CNETA much-shared social media post of a clown who appears to be lurking in the woods spurred startled reactions from people in the Roanoke Valley — similar to responses around the country following a string of clown sightings — but Roanoke County police ...
Datum: 14-09-2016 21:28 | Bron: Bristol Herald Courier (press release) (blog)Two brothers in McDuffie County say they were chased by at least two men dressed in clown masks while waiting for the school bus. Cameron Frails, 12, says he and his brother were walking around 6:30 a.m. to the school bus when he noticed something.
Datum: 14-09-2016 20:26 | Bron: WTVD-TVDozens of reported sightings of lurking creepy clowns have been flooding US police stations this summer. Children claim the clowns have tried to lure them into the woods using money. Nocturnal clowns have been spotted in at least six states, most ...
Datum: 14-09-2016 18:49 | Bron: BBC NewsMCDUFFIE COUNTY, S.C. (WRDW/WAGT) -- It was a normal morning for kids, walk to the bus stop with no supervision and no worries. Until at least two men dressed in all black, wearing clown masks ran from behind a nearby trailer and chased children ...
Datum: 14-09-2016 01:26 | Bron: WRDW-TVThe hoax comes as reports of creepy clowns have expanded throughout the southeast. Police are still investigating a Sept. 5 report in Winston-Salem in which authorities say two children said a clown tried to lure them into the woods with candy. An ...
Datum: 13-09-2016 22:45 | Bron: CBS Newsvideo Afgelopen weekend stelde acteur-regisseur Luk Wyns samen met de hoofdcast van Crimi Clowns (Manou Kersting, Chris Willemsen, Veerle De Jonghe en Silke Becu) de officiële trailer voor van hun nieuwe langspeelfilm "UITSCHOT". Er werd gekozen ...
Datum: 13-09-2016 07:29 | Bron: Het Laatste NieuwsOur Madison Cavalchire spent the day there to see if criminal clowns have made their way to Central Georgia. Dublin Police Chief Tim Chatman says the rumored clown sightings began after someone blamed a car accident Friday on swerving to avoid a ...
Datum: 12-09-2016 23:45 | Bron: 13WMAZ.comOn Aug. 26, Greenville, South Carolina, resident Donna Arnold told FOX Carolina that she had contacted the Greenville County Sheriff's Office after her son and other children reported seeing a clown near their apartment complex. Arnold said that "about ...
Datum: 12-09-2016 22:45 | Bron: Live ScienceA man was sent to jail after making a police report, then admitting he was just clowning around. On Thursday, a North Carolina Sheriff warned would-be pranksters that there would be consequences for making false reports of creepy clowns terrorizing the ...
Datum: 11-09-2016 23:09 | Bron: LawNewzIt's been several weeks since stories first started surfacing of creepy clown sightings with some witnesses saying they were trying to lure children into the woods. But so far, police have found no evidence that any of the reports were real. And on ...
Datum: 11-09-2016 17:23 | Bron: Slate Magazine (blog)Ever since sightings of scary clowns trying to lure children into the woods or lurking around residential areas have spread from South Carolina to North Carolina and Ohio, Jojo and Jazz (aka Lisa and Joseph Brown) have had a hard time keeping their ...
Datum: 10-09-2016 18:56 | Bron: Esquire.comRufus Wainwright performed Judy Garland's “Over the Rainbow,” but it was Streisand herself who brought the house down with a parodic rendition of “Send in the Clowns” from the Broadway musical A Little Night Music: “Something's amiss, I don't approve.
Datum: 10-09-2016 18:40 | Bron: Vanity FairOf all the many ways to terrify a stranger, lurking around in the bushes wearing a clown costume is particularly effective, as citizens in the Carolinas can attest. Police have responded to several reports there from residents describing unsettling ...
Datum: 10-09-2016 01:30 | Bron: Business 2 Community