Hieronder vindt u nieuwsberichten, gevonden op het internet met betrekking tot het woord clown.
De clown spelen is voor de Utrechtse zenbeoefenaar en docent Jannah Wijffels een manier om met open hart in het leven te staan. Zodat alle emoties binnen kunnen komen en ze die met anderen kan delen. Het spel van de dwaas met de rode neus is voor ...
Datum: 17-02-2017 15:25 | Bron: Boeddhistisch DagbladOfwel bang zijn voor clowns of verklede mensen. Dat is niet zo handig met carnaval voor de deur. Geen haar op zijn hoofd die eraan denkt het feest te vieren. ,,Als ik een clown tegenkom voel ik me zeer ongemakkelijk, dat ga ik dus niet opzoeken." Naar ...
Datum: 17-02-2017 07:35 | Bron: BD.nlFor once, Flame the rodeo clown isn't dancing or cutting up. In profile, he seems thoughtful - maybe a bit noble. That's the moment Lucy Chen, a Katy teenager, captured in her oil painting, "The Entertainer." In 2016, it broke a rodeo record when it ...
Datum: 16-02-2017 21:45 | Bron: Chron.comWe have truth here: the White Supremacist movement found their dupe in the soulless body of 45*, a man whose only goal is life is to be unfetteringly rich and endlessly adored by an impenetrable ring of loyalists.
Datum: 16-02-2017 20:27 | Bron: Patheos (blog)Waar een clownfobie precies vandaan komt, is vaak gissen. Maas: ,,Als je als kind eens een keer héél erg bent geschrokken van een clown, kun je dat in je onderbewustzijn opslaan. Elke keer als je dan een clown ziet, wordt dat gevoel van toen onbewust ...
Datum: 16-02-2017 16:31 | Bron: BD.nlThis week, Matt Warshaw dropped a gem from a chapter of his newly digitized History of Surfing, dedicated to one Tracy “Tubesteak” Tracy, the legendary Malibu local (You can read the full chapter here). We got a hold of Warshaw at his home in Seattle, ...
Datum: 16-02-2017 16:11 | Bron: Surfer MagazineWe all have that family member who insists on doing really weird stuff whenever the whole fam gets together to take a photo. However, I can almost guarantee that your brother's strange facial expressions are nothing in comparison to this boy who ...
Datum: 15-02-2017 22:50 | Bron: Elite DailyReal heroes, those that shine with bravery and radiate with self-possession, are so rare that we so often over look them, losing their light in the noise of a ...
Datum: 15-02-2017 20:19 | Bron: MashableLater in the debate, another ANC MP called DA deputy chief whip Mike Waters a "clown". Tsenoli reprimanded him and ordered him to withdraw. He repeated that Waters was a clown, but withdrew. ANC MPs continued their tradition of heckling Cope MP ...
Datum: 15-02-2017 15:36 | Bron: News24Wist u dat zowel die jongen van Lucky TV als ex-jakhals Frank Evenblij hun carrière bij Robert Jensen zijn begonnen? De Lucky TV-meneer maakte schijtlollige montages voor de tv-show van Jensen en Evenblij zette op de radio een hele ranzige clown ...
Datum: 15-02-2017 11:05 | Bron: Slebs.nlMet een vuile bek en puberale humor heeft de controversiële Youtube-ster PewDiePie zich een fortuin bijeen geblogd. Maar een 'grap' met twee Indiërs die een bordje omhooghouden met de tekst 'Dood aan alle joden' erop, dreigt hem zuur op te breken.
Datum: 15-02-2017 03:15 | Bron: De StandaardWHITFIELD, Ga. – Known by kids as Spladder the Clown, William Taylor White has been charged for allegedly sexually abusing a 10-, 11- and 12-year old. White was a member of the Whitfield Fire Clown Posse, a group of firefighters who visited area ...
Datum: 14-02-2017 18:49 | Bron: 11alive.comA man who wore a creepy clown mask during a robbery at a local gas station is heading to prison for a significant amount of time. On Friday in Sullivan County Court, 36-year-old Jeffrey Schuman of Monticello was sentenced to nine years in prison and ...
Datum: 14-02-2017 14:56 | Bron: Hudson Valley PostWhen the Patriots were exiting their plane from their trip to Houston for Super Bowl LI, Patriots defensive coordinator Matt Patricia was seen wearing a t-shirt mocking Commissioner Roger Goodell.
Datum: 13-02-2017 19:54 | Bron: Patriots WireVorige week mocht hij door blessures van Ridgeciano Haps en Thomas Ouwejan in de basis starten bij AZ, tegen PSV. De linksback deed het uitstekend, ook al ...
Datum: 12-02-2017 22:36 | Bron: Soccernews.nlKiller Clown (The Interpretation of Dreams), Andres Serrano, 2001. All images courtesy of the artist and THE SCHOOL | Jack Shainman Gallery. The name Andres Serrano often evokes ideas of controversy and absurdity, primarily due to his 1987 work Piss ...
Datum: 12-02-2017 14:36 | Bron: The Creators Project (blog)In Margarita Jimeno's delightful mini-doc for American Theatre Wing, the vibrant and sometimes heartsick world of clowning comes into red-nosed relief. It's a gorgeous peek into the vagabond lifestyle of joy and sweat, as well as a succinct history ...
Datum: 12-02-2017 01:10 | Bron: NerdistIt wasn't only Matt Patricia donning Barstool Sports' Roger-Goodell-as-a-clown t-shirt that irked the commissioner, but Robert Kraft's postgame podium declaration of the Patriots' fifth Super Bowl title being the "sweetest" of them all has NFL ...
Datum: 11-02-2017 20:04 | Bron: Comcast SportsNet New EnglandRoger Goodell reportedly was not happy when he saw New England Patriots defensive coordinator Matt Patricia taking a shot at him by wearing a T-shirt that depicted the NFL commissioner as a clown. An unnamed ownership source told Jason La Canfora of ...
Datum: 11-02-2017 17:59 | Bron: UPI.comINSOLITE - Tiko Tiko est une vraie star de télévision en Équateur. Depuis plus de 40 ans, ce clown anime des émissions et se déhanche sur des musiques pour enfants. Mais Tiko Tiko a dorénavant un nouveau projet : se lancer dans la politique et ...
Datum: 10-02-2017 23:29 | Bron: LCIDressed in bright colours and wearing shiny red noses, dozens of clowns gathered in London on Feb 5 to celebrate the life of the art form's founding father. Bold makeup, bowler hats and oversized bow ties were on show at All Saints church in east ...
Datum: 10-02-2017 23:06 | Bron: Star2.comWell, the maker of that Goodell clown shirt is none other than Barstool Sports. Roger has likely learned of their existence by now.) Nevertheless, Goodell won in court, and he apparently wants to be praised for his victory. Patriots fans — and coaches ...
Datum: 10-02-2017 22:25 | Bron: CBS LocalIn de rubriek In de Kantlijn verzamelt de redactie van VI.nl opmerkelijke voetbalberichten, leuke filmpjes en opzienbarende uitspraken.
Datum: 10-02-2017 13:16 | Bron: Voetbal InternationalRegarded as the father of the modern-day clown, Grimaldi transformed the role and appearance of the comic performer in the 18th century, delighting audiences, including Charles Dickens. The celebratory occasion is a departure from the creepy clown ...
Datum: 10-02-2017 12:30 | Bron: CNNA MUM-OF-TWO who allegedly took sexually explicit photos of a little girl in her care has been charged in connection with a porn ring and bestiality case which involved a fire department clown. Melissa Skelton, 36, was arrested on Friday amid claims ...
Datum: 10-02-2017 00:23 | Bron: The Sun